Industrial IoT
Find out how the Internet extends to the world of concrete objects and places
Industry 4.0
ALL-ENCOMPASSING COMMUNICATION for a new technological experience
IOT: about it and what it consists of
IOT: what it is and what it consists of
Which ones are IoT devices?
As already mentioned, IoT devices are smart objects with which it is possible to interact for the performance of certain tasks. Involving minimal user activity, the devices will in fact proceed almost in complete autonomy.
They include home automation devices (e.g. for smart homes), wearable devices (e.g. smartwatches), automated point-of-sale systems (for companies and professionals), company machinery and equipment capable of performing their functions autonomously, as well as smart-city systems.
IoT devices and systems
- Voice Assistants
- Led lightbulbs
- Sensors (e.g. doors, lights, etc.)
- Smart surveillance cameras
- Automated shutters
- Smart TVs
- Thermometers and Weather Stations
- GPS tracker
- Driving Assistant
- Cameras
- Sensors
- Meter Monitoring and Management Device (water, electricity, gas, etc.)
- Public or private video surveillance system
- Sensors for Smart Parking (free parking space indicator)
- Sensors for Smart Waste (vehicles capable of automatically collecting and managing waste)
- Sensors for Smart Governance of public green areas (automatic irrigation management, state of the soil, etc.)
- Systems for Smart Mobility (sharing or rental of green vehicles)
What is IoT for?
IoT architecture
The essential elements for IoT systems are:
Localization technologies
Wireless communication network
How the IoT works: the 4 main phases
Data collection via
sensors and actuators
I sensori sono quindi in grado di registrare, acquisire e condividere dati relativi a stimoli esterni come pressione, umidità, luminosità, e così via.
Data acquisition
and Gateway development
La seconda fase è quella di creazione di un Internet Gateway e conseguente acquisizione dei dati raccolti tramite sensori e attuatori.
I dati e le informazioni raccolte verranno trasformate (o meglio convertite) in formato digitale.
Pre-processing and pre-analysis
of data (Edge Information Technology)
Questo passaggio servirà per inviare i dati filtrati e selezionati al sistema “effettivo” di elaborazione.
Sending data to a Server and
Data Center
Una volta archiviati in quest’ultimo, i dati potranno essere analizzati e utilizzati per lo scopo finale. Segnaliamo che solitamente i Data Center (o server fisici) vengono posizionati lontani da sensori e attuatori, possibile anche affittare lo spazio di un server di una struttura di colocation.
Anche le piattaforme cloud sono perfette per l’archiviazione dei dati, tra i tanti vantaggi segnaliamo la riduzione dei costi legati all’hardware per lo “stoccaggio” di dati e info.